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  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    The Mapping the DNA of Integrated College Health Services Webinar Series will be a series of continuing education opportunities for ACHA members addressing the organization and delivery of integrated services (health, counseling, health promotion) on college and university campuses. Each webinar will focus on a key topic of integration such as integrated program models, culture building across professional disciplines, space design and layout, shared policies and practices, shared electronic records, and integration with campus partners. The webinar series is being sponsored by the newly formed ACHA Integrated College Health Coalition and will also include the development of a repository of evidence-informed models of integration, published articles, implementation guides, policies and practices for integrated systems, and other useful integrated college health resources.

  • Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 06/28/2024

    This session will review manifestations of STIs in the mouth and hands and discuss transmission risks from digital contact, oral sex, and deep kissing. We will review case scenarios and review counseling messages for patients/students who ask about risks of STI/HIV transmission from oral sex.

  • Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 12/11/2023

    This session presents a new model for collaborative wellbeing leadership. The model is based on a qualitative, collective case study of Chief Wellness Officers (CWO) and will present new ideas for the leadership of well-being programs. This presentation will enhance the understanding of how CWOs facilitate campus well-being efforts in collaboration with others and will provide insight into the strategic, relational, and communications skills necessary for success.

  • Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 12/01/2023

    In this session, participants will discuss the results of recently published national surveys of current and soon-to-be college students on topics including where they prefer to get health information, who influences their healthcare decision making, and how they evaluate the credibility of health information. Participants will also explore how to apply the survey results to their student health communications practice.