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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 07/24/2024

    The need for information about how institutions address students' mental health is high. To this end, the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and the Student Well-being Institutional Support Survey (SWISS) partnered to create a Topical Module on student mental health and well-being for 2023. This session will describe what we learned from the survey and the implications for institutional practice. Special focus will be on first-generation students, whose unique challenges in navigating collegiate experiences can impact their well-being.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 06/27/2024

    In this session, health promotion specialists from a large public university will share general information about their experience with grants of various sizes, approaches to and considerations for the grant writing process, and lead practice with simple grant applications. This session is intended for health promotion specialists and administrators with no or some grant writing experience. It is not intended for those with extensive grant writing experience.