If you are registered for the Full Annual Meeting, you have access to attend any of the Poster Presentations below. Mark your favorites or click the title to expand a preview. You can click the "View Poster" button to reach the poster's page and view poster materials.
Posters will be available for viewing until June 1, 2022.
P01. Video Gaming and Health: An Opportunity for Health Screening and Promotion
An anonymous Qualtrics survey was distributed via email and Reddit posts to gather information on the self-reported physical, mental, and social health symptomology associated with weekly video game habits. Over 25% of respondents who reported physical symptoms also reported mental health symptoms and nearly 31% reported experiencing harassment while playing. We will explore these concerns and ways to discuss healthier gaming habits with college/university students, including possible screening practices.
P02. Full Disclosure: The Importance of Inclusive Intake Procedures for Transgender Patients
The overarching trait in care for transgender patients is the lack of research and reporting on this population; they remain invisible in reporting structures. Without clear and inclusive intake procedures, transgender patients will not be represented in the healthcare system. Failure to understand a patient’s gender identity may compromise care and reinforce the healthcare disparities this population faces. This poster will show that inclusive intake procedures are necessary in serving their unique healthcare needs.
P03. The Impact of Remote-Delivered Services on Counseling Center Staff Wellness
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, college counseling center clinicians and staff members quickly shifted to delivering mental health services remotely. This survey-based study investigated the impact of this shift on staff wellness. We used data collected from thirty staff members from six unique colleges during July and August of 2020. Results indicated that while the flexibility surrounding work-from-home had many benefits, clinicians raised social and personal concerns that limited their enthusiasm for remote-delivered services.
P04. Examining Rape Myth Acceptance Among College Students: Varsity Athletes Compared to Non-Athletes
Among students in an Upstate New York comprehensive college surveyed in 2019, varsity athletes had higher Rape Myth Acceptance (RMA) total scores and for all subscales except “It’s not really rape” when using the Revised Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale. While women had lower RMA in comparison to men, female athletes RMA scores were significantly higher than female non-athletes, except for the “Alcohol” subdomain. Female varsity athlete scores were similar to overall male RMA scores.
P05. Gratitude Interventions as an Effective Way to Improve College Student Well-Being
Gratitude interventions are simple, low-cost tools that can increase overall psychological well-being and decrease negative affect, stress, and anxiety. In this study, we compared the effects of gratitude journaling and gratitude reflection interventions to an activity-matched control group over two months and found both gratitude interventions significantly increased well-being and decreased negative affect. Our results suggest that colleges could teach students easy to implement gratitude interventions that can improve well-being, resilience, and persistence.
P06. Reframing Mental Health as an Effective Way to Decrease Stigma and Increase Help-Seeking in College Student-Athletes
This study examined how three different prompts discussing mental health affected student-athletes' attitudes toward help-seeking. Athletes that read prompts framing mental health as mental fitness or a personal testimony about an athlete seeking help displayed significantly better attitudes towards help-seeking than those who read a traditional mental health prompt. The results suggest that framing mental health differently can decrease stigma and increase help-seeking in student-athletes who are experiencing mental health problems.
P07. [AWARD WINNER] Ability to Access Health Care Among Community College Students During COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many aspects of young people’s lives, including health care. This study explored whether COVID-19 has impeded community college students’ ability to access to health care. We analyzed survey data (N=1,251) from an ongoing study at 23 community colleges in California and Texas. We used multivariate logistic regression analyses to compare the impact of COVID-19 on health care access by students’ race/ethnicity, socioeconomic characteristics, health insurance, job loss, and broadband access.
P08. Prevalence, Nature, and Scope of Peer Programs Supporting College Student Mental Health
We are conducting a review of all institutional members (N = 776) of the American College Health Association to document the prevalence, nature, and scope of college student peer support programs and better understand the demands placed on students who provide peer support. We aim to illuminate how students are supporting their fellow students’ mental health and prompt further research and conversation on best practices for peer support programs, including more efficient monitoring of supporter well-being.
P09. [AWARD WINNER] Prescription Stimulant Diversion and Misuse: Understanding Transaction and Related Events
This poster will share findings from a qualitative investigation of prescription stimulant diversion and misuse events. Data come from a diverse southern California campus where current students (N=20 students; 32 interviews) who misuse and/or divert prescription stimulants were interviewed by peers. Understanding the details of these specific events (e.g., information on diversion transaction events; events leading up to misuse behavior) are essential for guiding future policies and prevention strategies.
P10. Pandemic, Protests, and Penury: Syndemic Impacts on Mental Health and Self-Protective Behaviors of U.S. College Students
Concurrent with the Covid-19 pandemic, U.S. college students have been exposed to economic instability amidst a presidential election and wide scale social activism addressing racial discrimination and race-based violence, with potentially overlapping impacts. Our survey of college attending students will examine these exposures from a syndemic perspective, measuring their individual and additive/interactive effects on common mental health outcomes, social connectedness, civic engagement, vaccine attitudes and acceptance of non-pharmaceutical interventions. Preliminary, original data will be presented.
P11. College Students’ Experiences with Substance Use at Electronic Music Events: A Qualitative Study
Objective: To understand college students’ experiences with substance use (SU) at electronic music events (EME).
Participants: Undergraduate students recruited from April 2019 to May 2019.
Methods: A qualitative, descriptive research design utilizing semi-structured focus groups.
Results: Three themes emerged: SU viewed as commonplace; SU and protective behaviors; and universities' role in substance education.
Conclusion: SU at EME is a common for students. Challenges/opportunities exist for universities working to promote harm reduction practices. Suggestions for prevention efforts are provided.
P12. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Promote Sexual Consent Among Undergraduate Greeks
Objective: To assess the impact of theory-informed educational sexual consent posters among undergraduate Greeks.
Methods: Forty participants were randomized: intervention group (IG) [sexual consent educational poster informed by the Theory of Planned Behavior] or control group [condom usage posters]. Pre/post-survey differences were assessed.
Results: The IG had one more favorable consent intention (p=0.024) and subjective norm (p=0.04).
Conclusions: Theory-informed educational materials may improve behavioral antecedents to seeking sexual consent among undergraduate Greeks.
P13. College Student Perspectives of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Concerns, Preventative Behaviors, and Impact on Academic Success and career choice
Undergraduate students (n=740) completed a survey focusing on concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic, preventative behaviors, and the impact of the pandemic on academic success and career choice. Example results include high concerns for effects on the economy (88.6% of respondents) and family/friends getting the virus (88.4%). Behaviors reported most frequently included hand washing (92.3%) and maintaining distance from others (80.0%). Most indicated a relatively small effect of the pandemic on academic success and career choice.
P14. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of First-Year University Students: Comparison Between 2019 and 2020
To examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of Japanese university students, we compared online surveys of first-year students in 2019 and 2020. CCAPS cut scores were utilized to analyze the data. The number of at-risk students for depression and social anxiety was significantly lower in students in 2020 than in 2019. However, the number of those having academic distress was significantly higher in 2020 than in 2019.
P15. Examining the Relationships Between Physical Activity Liking, Perceived Body Size, and Eating Behaviors Among College Women
We examined relationships between perceived body size (PB-size) and behaviors (physical activity-PA, dietary) in college women. From online-reporting and multivariate-modeling, larger PB-size showed associations directly with less PA liking, indirectly through dietary behaviors that support healthy weight. Analyzing by PA liking versus frequency suggested tailored intervention opportunities: high liking/ frequency women reported significantly lower PB-size and healthier dietary behaviors than low liking/frequency women; high liking/low frequency women reported dietary weight control behaviors yet less healthy diets.
P16. Public Health, The Pandemic, and HIPAA – A Triangle of Collaboration
Student health services had to pivot to virtual delivery during the pandemic. This resulted in many questions from practitioners, college administrators, and parents related to what patient health information could be shared. This poster will thoroughly discuss HIPAA, public health rules, especially with contact tracing, and how colleges remain compliant in ever changing times.
P17. Predicting Factors Associated with Anxiety and Depression in a Regional College Student Population
This research utilized data obtained from a Midwest university’s assessment of their students on two of their regional campuses by administering the American College Health Association – National College Health Assessment II to investigate potential variables associated with (1) anxiety, (2) depression, and (3) stress. Bivariate analysis was utilized to determine significant variables for testable multivariate models. Results provide insights for future campus initiatives and programs aimed at managing these three aspects of the student experience.
P18. College Students' Perceived Risks of COVID-19 and E-Cigarette Use
In June of 2020, college students entering their third year at a large, public four-year university in Kentucky, responded to a survey related to tobacco use and the COVID-19 pandemic. Among these students, nearly three-quarters believe the COVID-19 pandemic is a major threat to the health of the US population as a whole and almost eighty seven percent strongly agree or agree that smoking or vaping increases the risk of the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.
P19. State of the Union 10 Years Later: Sexual Health Disparities in a National Sample of U.S. College Students
This study seeks to examine changes in sexual health disparities between Black and white college students 10years after Buhi et al (2010) assertions regarding this state of the union in college student health. A comparative analysis allows us to examine changes in trends, but also point us toward successes and continued areas for improvement to improve the sexual health outcomes of vulnerable student population, and college students as a whole.
P20. The Zenstudies Program: Making a Healthy Post-Secondary Transition. A Study of the Efficacy and the Quality of the Implementation
The poster presents the program Zenstudies: making a healthy post-secondary transition that was elaborated by Marcotte et al, 2016, 2021. Zenstudies is a multilevel program including universal and indicated prevention. The program follows the objective to prevent the development of anxiety and depressive symptoms and to reduce the risk of school dropout. The program was the focus of a large implementation study (2018-21) to test its efficacy with first-year college students. Results supported the efficacy. The program allows the acquisition of knowledges in participant regarding resilience toward mental health (anxiety and depression) as well as the stress of post-secondary transition and transition to emergence to adulthood. The second and third components were also found to reach their goals, which are to teach prevention strategies, among the cognitive restructuring, behavioral activation, social and communication abilities, mindfulness and sense of belonging to college. The majority of teachers and professionals who implemented the program reported that the program respond to the needs of students and they felt competent to use it. These results will be discussed in the context of the advantage and limits to school implementation of mental health programs.
P21. New Trends in the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections in Women
Our poster is a review of information regarding diagnostic testing, clinical pearls with testing, antimicrobial stewardship and collateral damage of urinary tract treatment. We included trends in antibiotic resistance and new guidelines to treat uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women.
P22. Contemplative Practices in the Classroom: Managing Stress and Increasing Self-Compassion
Stress among college students is at a critical level. Fifty percent of students experienced moderate stress in the past year (ACHA, 2020). Trends indicate students are more stressed and stressors impact quality of life (Ribeiro et al., 2017). Contemplative practices, such as compassion training, can help manage stress. The study surveyed undergraduate students about perceived stress, self-compassion, and mindfulness. Results indicate while students have high levels of stress, contemplative practices may positively impact self-compassion and mindfulness.
P23. Risk Factors of Emerging Adults Using E-cigarettes with THC/Cannabis
Among emerging adults transitioning from high school to a large, public four-year university in Kentucky, nearly half reported ever using e-cigarettes and almost a third reported ever using cannabis/THC. Current alcohol, combustible cigarette, and marijuana use were risk factors for current e-cigarette and cannabis/THC co-use. Other significant relationships between sociodemographic factors and current use included parental current use, and 4.3 of current users’ 5 closest friends use e-cigarettes.
P24. [AWARD WINNER] The Impact of Health Risk Behaviors on Chronic Cardiometabolic Health Conditions in African American College-Aged Women in the COVID era.
Health risk behaviors are gaining more attention as predictors of health and educational outcomes. African American college-aged students face multiple cardiometabolic conditions resulting from health risk behaviors, including stress, diet, sedentary lifestyles, and substance abuse. College health and wellness initiatives can reduce risky behaviors and health care costs, and potentially increase student success. The findings reveal significant health disparities in this population, which present dire consequences in the era of COVID-19.
P25. Assessing Worksite Health Promotion Programming and Resource Capacity in Mississippi Community Colleges
A survey instrument assessing existing offerings and capacity for institutional and community programming was sent to 15 community college presidents in Mississippi. Results indicated inadequate levels of awareness of worksite health promotion and potential for such programs to benefit institutions as well as surrounding communities. The case is made for benefits beyond direct employee health and associated return on investment to include worksite health promotion in community colleges as economic drivers rural, often underserved, communities.
P27. "Keeping My Patient Safe": Experiences of Student Health Coaches Working with Adults with Chronic Health Conditions
The purpose of this qualitative research project was to describe the experiences of student health coaches working with adults with chronic health conditions. An ethnographic content analysis (ECA) was conducted of 112 unique student health-coaching journals compiled over a 6-year period. This yielded three major themes describing the health coaching process “Getting Started,” “Settling In,” and “Wrapping Up.”
P28. What Influences Clinician's Decisions to Order Lab Tests?
Evidence has shown inappropriate lab utilization has contributed to escalating health costs and that routine health checks do not improve cancer or cardiovascular disease related morbidity or mortality. In addition, blood testing is not routinely recommended for our young healthy college population. This poster will describe the results of a knowledge assessment, behavioral survey, and peer review of primary care clinicians (prescribers and nurses) to better understand the determinants of their laboratory requests.
P29. Musculoskeletal Discomfort Due to Computer Use in College Students: Implications During COVID-19
Musculoskeletal disorders are prevalent in college students using a computer for longer duration. A survey was administered to assess their computer usage and associated risk factors. Sample consisted of 338 students. Females, 232 (68.6%) reported higher incidence of musculoskeletal discomfort than males, 106 (31.3%) (p< 0.009). Sitting duration, awkward postures and hours were significantly associated with musculoskeletal discomfort (R2 = 0.24, p < 0.000). Findings have implications for educating students about musculoskeletal disorders and healthy computing as students experience an increase in online learning due to the pandemic.
P30. Faculty, Staff and Student Perceptions of Their Health and Work Performance Experiences Associated with the Impact of COVID-19 During the Spring 2020 Semester
Faculty and staff from four universities in Louisiana completed a survey focusing on COVID-19 pandemic experiences. All four universities shut down on-campus instruction and work during the Spring 2020 semester, and returned to campus to start the Fall 2020 semester. The survey assessed perceptions of the impact of the pandemic on their health and work performance. Results will focus on descriptive analysis and also compare faculty/staff responses to student responses to a similar survey.
P31. Exploring the Integration and Functionality of an eHealth Intervention to Improve College Students’ Sexual and Reproductive Health Literacy
Evidence suggests that eHealth interventions may facilitate sexual/reproductive health literacy (SRHL) among college students (e.g., access/quality of health information/services). Guided by an integrative theoretical framework, in-depth interviews among college students (n=20) explored the integration and functionality of an eHealth intervention to improve SRHL. Participants believed the eHealth intervention (1) could be used prior-during-post clinical visit, (2) should be anonymous/confidential, easy to navigate, and display infographics, and (3) could facilitate SRHL, patient activation patient-provider communication.
P32. An Examination of Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Relationship between Psychological Distress and Sexual Risk-Taking Behavior in College Women
Research suggests adverse sexual health outcomes in young racial/ethnic minority women in comparison to their white counterparts. Sexual health is further threatened in the context of psychological distress. The current study examines the relationship between psychological distress and risky sexual behavior among 175,201 college women ages 18-25, with specific attention to racial/ethnic group differences. A new intersection of research, findings reveal poorer sexual health and related outcomes with higher psychological distress.
P33. Virtualizing Medical and Mental Health Care in the Time of COVID-19: Telehealth Satisfaction from Students’ and Providers’ Perspectives
Like other healthcare organizations, Columbia Health faced the challenge of providing continuous care to students, while attempting to flatten the COVID-19 curve. Consequently, telehealth became an essential tool during the pandemic. Online surveys were created and conducted to evaluate student satisfaction with telehealth medical and mental health services. Furthermore, an examination of providers’ perspectives related to the transition to remote visits will address a significant gap in the college health literature. Findings will be discussed.
P34. Examining Psychological Distress as a Primer for Sexual Risk Taking Among Emerging Adults
This study examines the relationship between psychological distress and risky sexual behavior (condom use inconsistency and past year STI history) in a sample of emerging adult (ages 18-25) college students from spring administrations of the National College Health Assessment. Findings suggest a dose-response relationship such that as psychological distress increases, so too does engagement in risky sexual behaviors in this population. These findings have implications for healthcare practitioners and college/university personnel committed to improving health outcomes in emerging adults.
P35. The Relationship Between Problematic Internet Use, Smartphone Addiction, and Depression and Anxiety Among a Diverse Sample of College Students
There is limited research on Problematic Internet Use (PIU), Smartphone Addiction (SA), and health outcomes in U.S. college populations. Studies investigating the association between PIU, SA, and health suggest mental health symptomology needs further investigation. We examined the prevalence of PIU and SA in a diverse sample of 451 California college students. We also explored whether there is an association between PIU, SA and depression and anxiety.
P36. Lessons Learned from COVID-19 Testing in College Students: What Particular Symptoms Tell Us
This poster reviews COVID-19 testing at a major public university and the lessons learned from fall 2020 semester testing of symptomatic students. What can be learned from actively testing students with symptoms? Do symptom profiles allow healthcare providers to determine which students are more likely to have COVID-19? Which symptom profiles in particular are more likely to indicate, or not indicate, COVID-19? Testing on which days of symptomatic presentation is most useful?
P37. [AWARD WINNER] Creating a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Self-Collection Testing Program in the Midst of a Pandemic
A Quality Improvement study determined 70% of STI testing appointments were patients without symptoms, require treatment, or request any other counseling. We hypothesized these patients could be offered a more convenient Fast Track option. A feasibility study began last year, but as the COVID pandemic closed the university the plan shifted and the program focused on contactless STI testing that utilizes telehealth, peer advocates, and nursing triage to determine if patients are eligible for self-collection.
P38. A Toolkit For Promoting Menstrual Equity in Higher Education
Menstrual equity is often overlooked due to the stigma, cost, and maintenance associated with free product programs. Students are more likely to succeed when institutions implement programs that address health inequities. The Project M.E. toolkit outlines a peer-led initiative that addresses barriers to accessing menstrual products through data collection, the recruitment of key stakeholders, identification of funding, and inclusive marketing. This project seeks to increase access to products while advocating for menstrual equity.
P39. Impact of an Embedded Counseling Center Psychologist within a Student Health Medical Clinic
Early identification and referral of students for timely mental health support markedly improves patient outcomes. Traditionally, referrals from medical providers to psychologists involve coordination between separate clinics. Our university embedded a counseling center psychologist within the medical clinic to enhance and streamline communication and holistic service provision. Our poster outlines the design of new referral processes, describes the referral volume and disposition, and highlights the benefits of this new initiative for both patients and staff.
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