ACHA Meetings and Networking
The meetings and events below are concluded. Some meetings were recorded. To access the recordings, expand the meeting title below and click "Enter Meeting".
Tuesday, June 1
Tue, Jun 1 at 12:15 pm EDT
M01. LGBTQ+ Health Coalition
ACHA coalition meetings are open to all members. There is not a recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 12:15 pm EDT
M02. Leadership Institute Committee
This meeting is for members of the Leadership Institute Committee. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 12:15 pm EDT
M03. Sensitive Exams Task Force
This meeting is for members of the Sensitive Exams Task Force. There is not a recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 12:15 pm EDT
M04. COVID-19 Task Force
This meeting is for members of the COVID-19 Task Force. There is not a recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 12:15 pm EDT
M05. Faculty & Staff Resiliency Task Force
This meeting is for members of the Faculty & Staff Resiliency Task Force. There is no recording for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 1:30 pm EDT
M08. Sexual Health Coalition
ACHA coalition meetings are open to all members. There is not a recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 1:30 pm EDT
M09.Travel Health Coalition
ACHA coalition meetings are open to all members. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 1:30 pm EDT
M10. Education Planning Committee
This meeting is for members of the Education Planning Committee. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 1:30 pm EDT
M11. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Coalition
ACHA coalition meetings are open to all members. There is not a recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 1:30 pm EDT
M12. Health Center Fees Task Force
This meeting is for members of the Health Center Fees Task Force. There is not a recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 2:45 pm EDT
M13. Campus Safety and Violence Coalition
ACHA coalition meetings are open to all members. There is no recording for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 2:45 pm EDT
M14. Ethnic Diversity Coalition
ACHA coalition meetings are open to all members. There is not a recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 2:45 pm EDT
M15. Healthy Campus Committee
This meeting is for members of the Healthy Campus Committee. There is no recording for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 2:45 pm EDT
M16. Connected College Health Network
This meeting is for members of the Connected College Health Network Committee. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 2:45 pm EDT
M17. AVP/AVCs Health and Well-Being Task Force
This meeting is for members of the AVP/AVCs Health & Well-Being Task Force. There is not a recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 2:45 pm EDT
M18. Sports Medicine Coalition
ACHA coalition meetings are open to all members. There is not a recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 4:00 pm EDT
M19. Nursing Section Executive Committee
This meeting is for section officers (and those they designate) to discuss section business and prepare for the full section meeting. There is not a recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 4:00 pm EDT
M20. Pharmacy Section Executive Committee
This meeting is for section officers (and those they designate) to discuss section business and prepare for the full section meeting. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 4:00 pm EDT
M21. Health Promotion Section Executive Committee
This meeting is for section officers (and those they designate) to discuss section business and prepare for the full section meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 4:00 pm EDT
M22. Administration Section Executive Committee
This meeting is for section officers (and those they designate) to discuss section business and prepare for the full section meeting. There is a recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 4:00 pm EDT
M23. Mental Health Section Executive Committee
This meeting is for section officers (and those they designate) to discuss section business and prepare for the full section meeting. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 4:00 pm EDT
M24. Nurse Administrator Section Executive Committee
This meeting is for section officers (and those they designate) to discuss section business and prepare for the full section meeting. There is no recording for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 5:15 pm EDT
M25. Nursing Section New Member Welcome Session
Nurses are invited to our virtual bring your-own-snack gathering, where participants will meet other nurses from around the country who may be attending for the first time or who are returning to another ACHA meeting. This Welcome to the Nursing Section, will provide an opportunity to talk with the Nursing Section Executive Committee in a casual setting, and learn about ways you could become involved in ACHA.
There is a recording for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 5:15 pm EDT
M26. Health Promotion New Member Welcome Session
In the New Member Welcome, we’ll provide an overview of the Health Promotion section, how you can get involved and upcoming events during the Annual Meeting. It will be a fun way to get to know fellow health promotion colleagues. We hope to see you there!
There is no recording for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 5:15 pm EDT
M27. Advanced Practice Clinicians New Member Welcome Session
Advanced Practice Clinicians are invited to our virtual bring your-own-Tea Time gathering, where participants will meet other APCs from around the country who may be attending for the first time or who are returning to another ACHA meeting. This Welcome to the APC Section will provide an opportunity to talk with the APC Section Executive Committee in a casual setting, and learn about ways you could become involved in ACHA.
There is no recording available for this meeting.
Tue, Jun 1 at 5:15 pm EDT
M28. Vaccine Preventable Diseases Committee
This meeting is for members of the Vaccine Preventable Diseases Committee. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wednesday, June 2
Wed, Jun 2 at 11:00 am EDT
M31. Advanced Practice Clinicians Full Section Meeting
This meeting is open to all section members to come together to hear about the work being done by your section and plans for future initiatives. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 11:00 am EDT
M32. Clinical Medicine Full Section Meeting
This meeting is open to all section members to come together to hear about the work being done by your section and plans for future initiatives. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 11:00 am EDT
M33. Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Coalition
ACHA coalition meetings are open to all members. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 11:00 am EDT
M34. Psychiatry Fellowship
Connect with fellow psychiatrists and other mental health prescribers to discuss mutual areas of interest in providing psychiatric care to students.
There is no recording for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 11:00 am EDT
M35. Student Health Insurance/Benefits Plans Coalition
ACHA coalition meetings are open to all members. There is no recording for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 12:15 pm EDT
M37. Pharmacy Full Section Meeting
This meeting is open to all section members to come together to hear about the work being done by your section and plans for future initiatives. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 12:15 pm EDT
M38. Health Promotion Full Section Meeting
This meeting is open to all section members to come together to hear about the work being done by your section and plans for future initiatives.
There is a recording for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 12:15 pm EDT
M39. Administration Full Section Meeting
This meeting is open to all section members to come together to hear about the work being done by your section and plans for future initiatives. There is a recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 12:15 pm EDT
M40. Nurse Administrators Full Section Meeting
This meeting is open to all section members to come together to hear about the work being done by your section and plans for future initiatives. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 12:15 pm EDT
M41. Mental Health Full Section Meeting
This meeting is open to all section members to come together to hear about the work being done by your section and plans for future initiatives. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 12:15 pm EDT
M42. Nursing Full Section Meeting
This meeting is open to all section members to come together to hear about the work being done by your section and plans for future initiatives. There is a recording for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 1:30 pm EDT
M43. Central College Health Association Executive Committee
This meeting is for affiliate officers (and those they designate) to discuss affiliate business and prepare for the full affiliate meeting. There is no recording for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 1:30 pm EDT
M44. Mid-America College Health Association Executive Committee
This meeting is for affiliate officers (and those they designate) to discuss affiliate business and prepare for the full affiliate meeting. There is a recording for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 1:30 pm EDT
M46. North Central College Health Association Executive Committee
This meeting is for affiliate officers (and those they designate) to discuss affiliate business and prepare for the full affiliate meeting. There is a recording for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 1:30 pm EDT
M47. Ohio College Health Association Executive Committee
This meeting is for affiliate officers (and those they designate) to discuss affiliate business and prepare for the full affiliate meeting. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 2:45 pm EDT
M49. Pacific Coast College Health Association Executive Committee
This meeting is for affiliate officers (and those they designate) to discuss affiliate business and prepare for the full affiliate meeting. There is no recording for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 2:45 pm EDT
M50. Southern College Health Association Executive Committee
This meeting is for affiliate officers (and those they designate) to discuss affiliate business and prepare for the full affiliate meeting. There is no recording for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 4:00 pm EDT
M55. AVP/AVCs Open Meeting
All current AVP/AVCs are welcome to join us for a discussion about leveraging changes from COVID and creating a campus culture of social justice and inclusion. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 4:00 pm EDT
M56. Benchmarking Advisory Committee
This meeting is for members of the Benchmarking Advisory Committee. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 4:00 pm EDT
M57. Faculty and Staff Health and Wellness Coalition
ACHA coalition meetings are open to all members. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 5:15 pm EDT
M61. Health Promotion Section Networking
Section members are encouraged to come together virtually to socialize. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 5:15 pm EDT
M62. Administration Section Networking
Section members are encouraged to come together virtually to socialize. There is a recording for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 5:15 pm EDT
M63. Mental Health Section Networking
Section members are encouraged to come together virtually to socialize. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 5:15 pm EDT
M64. Advanced Practice Clinicians Section Networking
Section members are encouraged to come together virtually to socialize. There is no recording for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 5:15 pm EDT
M65. Clinical Medicine Section Networking
Section members are encouraged to come together virtually to socialize. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 2 at 5:15 pm EDT
M66. Nurse Administrator Section Networking
Section members are encouraged to come together virtually to socialize. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thursday, June 3
Thu, Jun 3 at 11:00 am EDT
M67. Women of Color Discussion Group
The Women of Color Discussion Group will provide a safe space for all women-identifying professionals in college health and wellness. The space will provide an opportunity to meet, share, heal, increase community, and learn skills to navigate life successfully as a woman of color. It will provide a safe, supportive, empowering, and liberating atmosphere for engaging in courageous and unique conversations at the intersection of race and gender. Common topics include, but are not limited to, upward mobility/job growth, culturally-specific family pressures and expectations, experience of racial stress, belongingness, and any other topics that feel relevant to attendees.
There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 11:00 am EDT
M68. College Health and Wellness Consulting Discussion Group
Discussion will include benefits of external reviews from seasoned veterans in college health. There is a recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 11:00 am EDT
M69. Registered Dietitians Discussion Group
Discussion will include mutual areas of interest among fellow dietitians in providing care to students. There is no recording for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 11:00 am EDT
M70. Strategic Planning Task Force Discussion Group
The Strategic Planning Task Force would like to take this opportunity to talk to members about ideas they are considering for the new strategic plan. This meeting is open to ALL members as the task force wants input from the membership about the future direction of ACHA.
There is a recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 11:00 am EDT
M71. Title IX Response Task Force -- Title IX Clearing House Development Discussion Group
Drawing from previous work of task forces that created and updated the ACHA Toolkit: Addressing Sexual and Relationship Violence, this discussion addresses the next step of the creation and development of a clearinghouse for sexual and relationship violence prevention and response resources. Participants will engage in discussion to identify subcategories and associated resources. It is the intention to use what is learned as a framework for the development of the ACHA clearinghouse as a resource.
There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 11:00 am EDT
M72. Travel Health Discussion Group
All are welcome to join this informal discussion of issues of interest and concern related to college international travel health. Opportunities to participate in CDC research on student traveler health will also be explored.
There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 12:15 pm EDT
M73. Pharmacy Gathering
Bring your lunch and talk with your colleagues about current issues in college health pharmacy. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 12:15 pm EDT
M74. COVID-19 Discussion Group
Past, present and future campus response to COVID-19 will be discussed. A review of the work of the COVID-19 Task Force will be woven into the conversation.
There is a recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 12:15 pm EDT
M75. College Health and Wellness Professional (CHWP) Networking
College Health and Wellness Professional (CHWP) enrollees and graduates are invited to connect with your fellow program participants, faculty, and CHWP leadership. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 12:15 pm EDT
M76. Faith-Based Fellowship
Discussion will include topics of interest to attendees from faith-based schools and/or individuals of faith, including resources and special interest issues. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 12:15 pm EDT
M77. Gun Safety Task Force
Members of the task force will meet to discuss progress/status of the task force. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 1:30 pm EDT
M79. Central College Health Association Full Affiliate Meeting
This meeting is open to all affiliate members to come together to hear about the work being done by your affiliate and plans for future initiatives. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 1:30 pm EDT
M80. Mid-America College Health Association Full Affiliate Meeting
This meeting is open to all affiliate members to come together to hear about the work being done by your affiliate and plans for future initiatives. There is a recording for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 1:30 pm EDT
M81. New York State College Health Association Full Affiliate Meeting
This meeting is open to all affiliate members to come together to hear about the work being done by your affiliate and plans for future initiatives. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 1:30 pm EDT
M82. Ohio College Health Association Full Affiliate Meeting
This meeting is open to all affiliate members to come together to hear about the work being done by your affiliate and plans for future initiatives. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 1:30 pm EDT
M83. Southwest College Health Association Full Affiliate Meeting
This meeting is open to all affiliate members to come together to hear about the work being done by your affiliate and plans for future initiatives. There is a recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 1:30 pm EDT
M84. North Central College Health Association Full Affiliate Meeting
This meeting is open to all affiliate members to come together to hear about the work being done by your affiliate and plans for future initiatives. There is a recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 2:45 pm EDT
M85. New England College Health Association Full Affiliate Meeting
This meeting is open to all affiliate members to come together to hear about the work being done by your affiliate and plans for future initiatives. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 2:45 pm EDT
M86. Pacific Coast College Health Association Full Affiliate Meeting
This meeting is open to all affiliate members to come together to hear about the work being done by your affiliate and plans for future initiatives. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 2:45 pm EDT
M87. Mid-Atlantic College Health Association Full Affiliate Meeting
This meeting is open to all affiliate members to come together to hear about the work being done by your affiliate and plans for future initiatives. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 2:45 pm EDT
M88. Southern College Health Association Full Affiliate Meeting
This meeting is open to all affiliate members to come together to hear about the work being done by your affiliate and plans for future initiatives. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 2:45 pm EDT
M89. Rocky Mountain College Health Association Full Affiliate Meeting
This meeting is open to all affiliate members to come together to hear about the work being done by your affiliate and plans for future initiatives. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 4:00 pm EDT
M91. Ohio and Mid-America College Health Associations Networking
Affiliate members are encouraged to come together virtually to socialize. There is no recording available for this meeting.
Thu, Jun 3 at 4:00 pm EDT
M93. Mid-Atlantic College Health Association Networking
Affiliate members are encouraged to come together virtually to socialize. There is no recording available for this meeting.
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