P15. Examining the Relationships Between Physical Activity Liking, Perceived Body Size, and Eating Behaviors Among College Women
We examined relationships between perceived body size (PB-size) and behaviors (physical activity-PA, dietary) in college women. From online-reporting and multivariate-modeling, larger PB-size showed associations directly with less PA liking, indirectly through dietary behaviors that support healthy weight. Analyzing by PA liking versus frequency suggested tailored intervention opportunities: high liking/ frequency women reported significantly lower PB-size and healthier dietary behaviors than low liking/frequency women; high liking/low frequency women reported dietary weight control behaviors yet less healthy diets.
Poster Category: Research
Presenter(s): Patrice Hubert, MS, RDN, Valerie Duffy, PhD, RD, Tania Huedo-Medina, PhD, and Trica Leahey, PhD (University of Connecticut)