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Faculty & Staff Resiliency Task Force Webinars

Join the task force for a free webinar series on college health and wellness professionals' resiliency!

The Road to Resilience: Developing Resilience, Grit and Emotional Fortitude [RECORDING]

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Joshua Altman, PhD, LCSW, MBA

Using examples from popular media and experiential activities, this program will focus on how resilience plays a role in a professional's overall health and wellness. Additionally, the program will describe how to pilot, design, and implement a resilience workshop for college administrators, and professional colleagues, as well as how to empirically evaluate their workshops.  

How Cultural Center Professionals Maintain Resiliency and Self-Care While Caring for Others [RECORDING]

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David Jones, EdD, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Dr. Jones will focus on how student affairs leaders, particularly those working within cultural centers, can maintain their own resiliency and self-care, while their focus has to be on caring for others, particularly students. As a leading voice in diversity, equity, and inclusion work, this presentation will focus on how to empower individuals to understand oneself and others while creating meaningful change. . 

Tolerating Moral injury: Agency and Meaning Making During Challenging Times [RECORDING]

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Philip Rosenbaum, PhD, Haverford College

This presentation focuses on the "moral injury” that many of those responsible for the well being and care of college-aged students have experienced (and are preparing to experience) over the past handful of years. The presenter contextualize this injury in the decades of neglect by institutions that have forced caregivers to make problematic and challenging adaptations to student care in an effort to “go along to get along”. Understanding the context is important to determining ways we may tolerate this moral injury and also actively look to rediscover our agency and purpose in our work. 

Radical Self-Care for the Director During an Era of Chaos and Challenge: Connecting with Resilience and Courage When You are Running on Empty [RECORDING]

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Presenter: L. Megan Kersting, PsyD, Clark University

Directors are currently charged with the impossible. They are expected to ensure that centers meet campus demands of providing rapid and adequate mental health care to a never-ending volume of students who present with ever-increasing acuity. Job burnout is often discussed and is defined as "consequence of the perceived disparity between the demands of the job and the resources that an employee has available to them." Based on this definition, the role of the college counseling center director is a recipe for burnout. Oftentimes, when the concept of professional resilience is discussed, conversations rarely go beyond superficial tips and ideas for selfcare. Therefore, in thinking about the institutional expectations of counseling centers, a question arises: How can a director perform their job without facing potential burnout? This interactive session will be facilitated by three directors who have struggled with difficult work demands and burnout and have utilized creative means to maintain their creativity and passion for their jobs. Concepts such as empowering compassion, vulnerable and authentic leadership, creative outreach, values exploration, and boundary setting will guide the discussion and help participants learn different ways to manage the day-to-day demands of their job over a long period of time.

Student Affairs Administrators of Color in the Academy: Building on Resilience Through Counter Narrative [RECORDING]

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Presenter: Stella Smith, PhD, Prairie View A&M

The purpose of this session is to stimulate discussions among members of the broader higher education community about the importance of professional identity and its implications for the success of diverse faculty, staff, and administrators in predominantly White institutions. Additionally, the synergy created by the powerful personal counter narratives provides essential information for those who seek to understand how diverse faculty, staff, and administrators successfully integrate their personal and professional selves.

Engaging faculty in prevention, early intervention, and resilience initiatives that promote student well-being and academic success [RECORDING]

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Presenter: David Reetz, PhD, Rochester Institute of Technology

Faculty are among our most significant student mental health partners in promoting a campus culture of prevention, early identification, and early intervention. This session will present an effective, campus-wide approach to engage faculty and academic departments in identifying the personal, non-cognitive barriers students bring to the classroom. Insights into the “faculty dilemma” will be presented, along with practical tools that resonant with our campus instructors. Outcome data and faculty feedback will also be presented. The result will be a practical blueprint for creating a learning environment that inspires students to manage challenges and setbacks more effectively and exercise their full academic potential.

From Trauma to Resilience: Utilizing Lifestyle Data to Facilitate Client Growth and Change [RECORDING]

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Presenter: Monica Nicoll, PhD, and William G. Nicoll, PhD, Resilience Counseling and Training Center

Resilience involves the development of those psychological strengths that facilitate social-emotional well-being and mental health. It serves as a “psychological vaccine,” immunizing against the negative effects of stress, change, loss, failure, trauma, and other adverse life experiences. Simultaneously, resilience functions as an antidote for psychosocial difficulties and empowers us to recover, adjust, adapt, and continue forward in a positive, fulfilling life direction.

Resilience Tree: Growing Pathways to Senior Leadership [RECORDING]

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Presenter: Shauna Sobers, EdD, The University of Texas at Austin  

Ever wondered why there are so few women (and women of color) represented in senior leadership? Do you know how to avoid burning out before you reach a senior leadership position? How can you empower a staff member in whom you see potential? The presenter will lead a discussion about pathways to persist towards and sustain in senior leadership with the Resilience Tree (environment, roots, branches, and leaves), based on qualitative research and the lived experience of a mid-level practitioner scholar.  

Leading in Many Dimensions: Staff Expect Self-Care. Your Boss Demands Grit. You Desperately Need Resilience [RECORDING]

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Presenter: Micky Sharma, PsyD, The Ohio State University

One of the most challenging aspects of serving as a counseling center director is managing the multiple, ever-expanding components of the role. As directors we are expected to attend to and advocate for our staffs, while at the same time managing an environment in which we are challenged to meet rising clinical demand and complexity. This session will discuss the challenges that leaders face and the dynamic tension they experience while responding to the staffs’ need for self-care. The presentation will discuss the incredible challenge that can come from effectively working with the director’s administrative supervisor, who may not fully understand the nature of the work. Conveying this complexity when a supervisor may just want the director to be more “gritty” and get the work done is never easy. The presenters will share their experience and strategies for “managing up.” Finally, as directors we must focus on cultivating the resilience we need to be effective leaders. The presenters will share their experiences about how they have maintained their own ability to bounce back.

Secondary Trauma, Burnout, and Resilience [RECORDING]

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Presenters: Jonathan Johnson, LMHC, and Dr. Raphael Coleman, PhD, MPH

This session will equip college health professionals to recognize signs and symptoms of secondary trauma and its connection to burnout. Additionally, the session will equip participants to recognize the signs of chronic exposure to secondary trauma burnout in themselves and their colleagues and provide them with practical tools to prevent burnout or to experience bio-psycho-social-spiritual recovery after burnout.

Student Affairs Professionals, Work-Quality, and Well-Being [RECORDING]

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Presenters: Hollie Chessman, PhD and Marcus Hotaling, PhD

Student affairs professionals play an essential role in supporting the well-being of college students, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar will help participants understand the factors that influence the well-being of these professionals and understand their own well-being. Through a well-being assessment, presentation of data on the well-being of student affairs professionals by functional area, and some interaction, participants will gain a better understanding of their own well-being, how work quality can impact well-being, and strategies to support their personal well-being and the well-being of their colleagues.

Restorative Practices and Resiliency for Caring Professionals [RECORDING]

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Presenters: Gina Baral Abrams, DrPH, EdM, LSW, MCHES and Frida C. Rundell PhD, LPC

As higher education communities face unprecedented challenges, we are learning more about how relationships and institutional norms influence the health and well-being of those who learn and work in the community. As caring professionals in higher education, we are uniquely positioned to reimagine and develop our workplaces as supportive environments for health. In this webinar, we will introduce the relational philosophy of restorative practices and the Relational Care Ladder as ways to enhance self-connection, strengthen social connectedness and reciprocity with colleagues, and model the way for new norms, systems, and structures that foster positive workplace culture and community resilience.

Creating Individual and Community Resiliency Through Preparation and Evidence Based Strategies [RECORDING]

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Presenters: Stephanie Hanenberg, MSN, FNP-C, FACHA and Nicole Weis, MA, LPC, LAC, RYT

This presentation will discuss the importance of disaster preparation and training on college campuses with examples from University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Additionally, viewers will gain foundational education on stress and trauma, as well as skills on how to build resilience in the self and community.
