Live Education Sessions
If you registered for the Full Annual Meeting, you have access to the recordings of the sessions below that were held live on June 8-9, 2021. Click the title to expand a preview and mark your favorites, if you wish. Click the "Watch Session" button to reach the session's page to access the recording, handouts, post-tests, etc.
Recordings will remain available for viewing until June 1, 2022.
Wed, Jun 9 at 11:00 am EDT
SP02. Dorosin Memorial Lecture: Reflections on Race and Medicine in the Year of COVID-19 and Nationwide Protests
This presentation will explore how the events of 2020 (COVID-19 and Nationwide Protests) have disproportionately been linked to the experiences of Black people in the United States and discuss the implications of this history on medical education, our health care system, and the experiences of Black student-learners who navigate this complex world.
Learning Objectives
- Describe how medical education and the health and mental health care system perpetuate health disparities.
- Discuss strategies to mitigate the impact of racism and bias in the academic and health care systems.
- Identify barriers to underrepresented minority recruitment and retention in the health and mental health care system.
Damon Tweedy, MD (Duke University School of Medicne)
Emily Lenz, MSN, FNP-BC (School of the Art Institute of Chicago)
Damon Tweedy, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Wed, Jun 9 at 12:45 pm EDT
D1. Diverse Workforce Retention Alert: Impostor Phenomenon Warning
Impostor Phenomenon, also known as Impostor Syndrome, touches all generations within today's workforce with higher incidents with those that identify as persons of color and women. Over 70% of the people studied reported incidents of impostor feelings at least once in their lived experiences. This session will help participants to identify how impostor syndrome shows up in the workplace and learn strategies for handling feelings of impostor syndrome for themselves and others.
This session is sponsored by the American College Health Foundation Ayers/Battle/Thomas Diversity Fund.
Learning Objectives
- Discuss how to increase awareness and understanding of Impostor Syndrome.
- Describe how to recognize Impostor Syndrome experiences and outcomes.
- Identify the top challenges from impostor syndrome.
- Discuss strategies for handling feelings of impostor syndrome for themselves and others.
LeAnn Gutierrez, PhD, MBA (Florida Atlantic University)
Delishia Pittman, PhD (The George Washington University)
Wed, Jun 9 at 12:45 pm EDT
D2. Trauma- and Resiliency-Informed Programming
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) affect over 67% of Americans and have an impact on health behaviors and disease (CDC, 1998). Within the college population, studies have found that ACEs lead to higher levels of depression and ADHD with an increase in cigarette, marijuana and alcohol use. Providing trauma and resiliency informed programming is necessary in order to mitigate the impact of ACES, COVID-19, and other traumas by increasing safe programming that avoids re-traumatization.
This session is sponsored by the American College Health Foundation Health Promotion in Higher Education Fund.
Learning Objectives
- Explain the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma on college student health.
- Describe the implications of ACEs and trauma within programming.
- Discuss practical strategies to implement trauma and resiliency informed programming.
Rebecca Rampe, PsyD, LP, HSP-P (University of North Carolina Wilmington)
Julie Edwards, MHA (The University of Chicago)
Rebecca Rampe, PsyD, LP, HSP-P, Staff Psychologist-Outreach Coordinator
Wed, Jun 9 at 12:45 pm EDT
D3. Common Rashes in the College-Age Population, Across All Skin Types
This presentation will review common skin eruptions in the college-age population. Both infectious and inflammatory entities will be covered. The focus will be on the multiple ways these rashes can present clinically in an effort to improve diagnostic accuracy. In addition, management of these rashes and their sequelae will also be covered.
This session is sponsored by the American College Health Foundation Josh Kaplan Fund for Clinical Medicine.
Learning Objectives
- Differentiate common inflammatory and infectious skin conditions in multiple skin types.
- Identify pigmentation abnormalities that may result from common inflammatory and infectious skin conditions.
- Discuss treatment options for common inflammatory and infectious skin conditions in multiple skin types.
- Describe long-term sequelae that may occur from common inflammatory and infectious skin conditions in multiple skin types.
Chris Adigun, MD (Dermatology & Laser Center of Chapel Hill)
Scott Henderson, MD (University of Missouri)
Chris Adigun, MD, President and Medical Director
Wed, Jun 9 at 12:45 pm EDT
D4. Engaging Peer Educators in Delivering Evidence-Based Brief Motivational Interventions: Innovative Training Models, Benefits, and Challenges
Research indicates that peer educators, when well-trained and supervised, can deliver evidence-based brief motivational interventions just as well, if not better, than trained professionals. This workshop will explore a number of innovative peer education training models derived from evidence-based brief motivational interventions, including peer wellness coaching and peer educator-delivered Screening and Brief Intervention (SBI) addressing a variety of risk behaviors. The strengths of training models that involve classroom instruction and computer simulations will be discussed. Challenges and potential risks associated with engaging peers in delivering evidence-based brief interventions will be identified and explored. Benefits of engaging in evidence-based peer education best practices, both to students receiving services and to peer educators themselves, will be identified.
This session is sponsored by the American College Health Foundation Health Promotion in Higher Education Fund.
Learning Objectives
- Identify two evidence-based brief motivational intervention practices in which peer educators can be trained and supervised.
- Describe two methods of peer education training focused on the effective delivery of evidence-based brief motivational interventions.
- Identify two benefits and challenges associated with training peer educators to deliver evidence-based brief motivational intervention.
- Identify two benefits of participation in evidence-based peer education practices to recipients of services and to peer educators delivering services.
M. Dolores Cimini, PhD (University at Albany, SUNY)
Melissa Miller (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater)
M. Dolores Cimini, PhD, Director, Center for Behavioral Health Promotion and Applied Research
Wed, Jun 9 at 12:45 pm EDT
D5. Examining Administrative Principles for the Nurse Who Transitioned from Staff to Supervisor
The role of the nurse manager is critical in the provision of effective quality care in any setting. Professional development regarding leadership within the nursing profession has traditionally been neglected (Townsend, 2011). Often the competencies that are related to an administrative role are absent or lacking when examining a high-performing nurse. In fact, senior nursing staff are most often moved into managerial roles because of their skills rather than an ability to manage business related issues. This presentation will address key managerial strategies for nurses who have transitioned into an administrative role. Topics include but are not limited to: management techniques, retention, best practices, professional development, quality, accreditation, patient satisfaction, performance, and staffing.
This session is sponsored by the American College Health Foundation Professional Nursing Fund.
Learning Objectives
- Define the role of a nurse manager.
- Describe basic managerial strategies.
- Discuss approaches to routine challenges of the nurse manager.
- Identify ways to gain current professional development and leadership training.
Pamela Stokes, MHCA, DNP, RN (Oklahoma State University)
Kathy Carstens, BSN, BC (Davidson College)
Pamela Stokes, MHCA, DNP, RN, Associate Director
Wed, Jun 9 at 12:45 pm EDT
D6. Increasing Pharmacy Efficiency and Patient Engagement via Technology
The average college health patients, age 17-25, are among the most technically savvy consumers in the healthcare market. Additionally, inefficient pharmacy processes lead to longer wait times, waste, and rework. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign sought to better connect to this age group and enhance processes by building prescription management tools like those available from major pharmacy retailers.
This session is sponsored by the American College Health Foundation Josh Kaplan Fund for Clinical Medicine.
Learning Objectives
- Describe the technological needs of Generation Z patients.
- Identify areas for technology enhancements.
- Define ways to enhance care delivery.
- Discuss ways to reduce pharmacy inefficiencies.
Melvin Fenner, MBA, PhD, and Brian Aubry, BS (The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Amy Sauls, PharmD (University of NC Chapel Hill)
Melvin Fenner, MBA, PhD, Sr. Assistant Director of Medical & Mental Health Systems and Compliance
Brian Aubry, BS, Pharmacy Supervisor
Wed, Jun 9 at 2:30 pm EDT
E1. Hot Topics In Gastroenterology for Student Health
We will present updated guidelines and recommendations for important Gastroenterology topics including: GERD, Dyspepsia, H pylori, IBS, Abdominal Pain, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Rectal Bleeding, NSAID induced Gastritis and Enteritis, Ulcerative Colitis, and Crohn's Disease.
This session is sponsored by the American College Health Foundation Josh Kaplan Fund for Clinical Medicine.
Learning Objectives
- Identify alarm symptoms for patients who may have ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.
- Identify alarm symptoms for patients who may have eosinophilic esophagitis.
- Differentiate between irritable bowel disease and inflammatory bowel disease.
- Explain to patients how to treat and improve dyspepsia.
- Describe how to work-up/treat gastritis and gastric ulcers.
Benjamin Levy, MD (Sinai Health System); Nina Gupta, MD (University of Chicago Medical Center)
Scott Henderson, MD (University of Missouri)
Benjamin Levy, MD, Head of Gastroenterology Education
Nina Gupta, MD, Clinical Associate of Medicine
Wed, Jun 9 at 2:30 pm EDT
E2. Sexual Diversity on Campus: Distinguishing Between Consensual Sexual Behaviors from Reportable Title IX
There is an increasing emphasis on sexual violence prevention efforts on college campuses. The definition of consent is at the forefront of these discussions, with inconsistency across the nation. At the same time, people report engaging in a wider range of sexual behaviors with a diverse array of intimate relationships including consensual non-monogamy and BDSM-oriented forms of sexual expression. As college health professionals, it is important to understand and clearly differentiate consensual sexual behaviors from sexual violence and perpetrative behaviors to improve sexual health of college students.
This session is sponsored by the American College Health Foundation Health Promotion in Higher Education Fund.
Learning Objectives
- Identify three consensual sexual behaviors that are commonly confused with sexual violence.
- List three strategies to have discussions with students about consensual sexual behaviors.
- Discuss when consensual sexual behaviors may need to be reported to Title IX.
Heather Eastman-Mueller, PhD, CHES, FACHA, CSES, CSE (Indiana University); Sara Oswalt, PhD (University of Texas at San Antonio); and Joleen Nevers, MAEd, CHES, CSE, CSES (University of Connecticut)
Alicia K. Czachowski, EdD, MPH, CHES (Tulane University)
Heather Eastman-Mueller, PhD, CHES, FACHA, CSES, CSE, Faculty, School of Public Health
Sara Oswalt, PhD, Professor and Department Chair
Joleen Nevers, MAEd, CHES, CSE, CSES, Program Director for Regional Wellness
Wed, Jun 9 at 2:30 pm EDT
E3. Combining Campus Resources with Evidence-Based Practice to Meet the Sexual Health Needs of Campus
Sexual health is a very broad topic and is sometimes considered taboo. Most people think of sexual health relating to practicing safe sex, using condoms, and contraception. Sexual health also encompasses educating students on the importance of: healthy relationships, recognizing the signs of domestic violence, bystander intervention, STI testing, and sexual health for the LGBTQ+ communities. Learn how UND has evolved the topic of sexual health into an engaging community event.
This session is sponsored by the American College Health Foundation Professional Nursing Fund.
Learning Objectives
- Describe sexual health needs of the campus, using various assessment tools and public health trends/data.
- Explain evidence-based practices for sexual health education, in order to develop a well-rounded program.
- Identify the importance of cross campus collaboration to create a healthier student body.
Jessica Doty, RN/BAN, and Sonia Doulamis, MPH (University of North Dakota)
Tess Kucera, MPH, CHES (University of North Texas)
Jessica Doty, RN/BAN, Director of Student Health Services
Sonia Doulamis, MPH, Health Promotion Coordinator
Wed, Jun 9 at 2:30 pm EDT
E4. Prescribing and Promoting Expedited Partner Therapy
Expedited partner therapy (EPT), the practice of treating partner(s) of patients diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea without requiring a visit, is recommended by the CDC. Despite evidence indicating that EPT is a valuable strategy in preventing reinfection and limiting population spread, many college health clinicians are not utilizing this tool. This presentation will help participants evaluate the legal environment in their state and policies in their health center, advocate for change and provide tips for clinical practice and health promotion to increase its use.
This session is sponsored by the American College Health Foundation Josh Kaplan Fund for Clinical Medicine.
Learning Objectives
- Describe how to choose an effective and safe treatment for the sexual partner(s) of a patient who is positive for a common sexually transmitted infection (STI).
- Describe how to effectively promote expedited partner therapy (EPT) to students, including how to utilize EPT for treatment of their sexual partner(s).
- Describe how to navigate the legal status of EPT in the state where the learner is practicing and the policies surrounding EPT in their health center.
Joanne Browne, DNP, APRN (University of Kentucky); John Laury, MSN, CNP (University of Pennsylvania); and Blake Flaugher, MPH, CHES (University of California, Davis)
Brandy Reeves, MPH, MDEd, CHES (University of Cincinnati)
Joanne Brown, DNP, APRN, Nurse Practitioner
John Laury, MSN, CNP, Nurse Practitioner
Blake Flaugher, MPH, CHES, Health Promotion Specialist, Sexual Well-Being
CANCELLED E5. Serving Black Female Students Through Support Groups
Wed, Jun 9 at 2:30 pm EDT
E6. Sustaining a Quality Program during the Pandemic
We are in a time of social unrest and once-in-a-century pandemic, but there is still work that needs to be done to achieve organizational goals, compliance and accreditation requirements. Through the lens of a Quality Manager, templates, tips and lessons-learned will be shared to support: patient experience surveys, peer chart reviews, and Quality and Safety Orientations.
Learning Objectives
- Describe how the pandemic has challenged quality programs.
- Explain how the Quality & Safety (Q&S) Orientation can be leveraged for compliance and engagement.
- Explain how Peer Chart Reviews can continue remotely.
- Describe how Patient Experience surveys can be modified to allow for newly prevalent video and phone visits.
Sandra Villafán, MLIS, RHIT (Stanford University)
Giang Nguyen, MD, MPH (Harvard University)
Sandra Villafán, MLIS, RHIT, Quality Manager
Wed, Jun 9 at 3:45 pm EDT
SP03. Presidential Citation and Closing Address: Preparing Thriving and Inclusive Campus Communities in the Aftermath of COVID-19
Presidential Citation with Dr. Fauci: In a brief pre-recorded interview prior to the Presidential Closing Session, ACHA President Kim Webb will present Dr. Anthony Fauci with the ACHA Presidential Citation for his courageous leadership and unwavering commitment to the scientific approach in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Closing Presidential Address: Following the interview, Dr. Anne Schuchat will focus on how we better prepare our campus communities for public health measures and interventions for both the remainder of the pandemic and for future health threats. She will view these topics through a lens of building thriving and inclusive campus communities (the conference theme)
Learning Objectives
- Discuss how to better prepare our campus communities for public health measures and interventions needed on our campuses for the remainder of the COVID-19 pandemic and in future pandemic and public health emergencies
- Describe how to interpret the needed steps in recovery from COVID-19 through a positive lens, addressing racial equality and health inequity as we move forward.
Anne Schuchat, MD (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Kim Webb, MEd, LPC, FACHA (Washington University in St. Louis)
Anne Schuchat, MD, Principal Deputy Director
Wed, Jun 9 at 5:00 pm EDT
SP04. Assembly of Representatives
If you are a qualified voting member of ACHA, plan to attend the 2021 Assembly of Representatives and help shape the governance of ACHA by voting on recommended bylaws amendments. You'll also hear reports from the ACHA Interim CEO and treasurer, plus the ACHF Chair. In addition, the incoming ACHA President will give an address.
There is a recording available for this meeting.
Wed, Jun 9 at 6:00 pm EDT
SP05. Awards and Fellows Ceremony
Come celebrate with your colleagues as we honor the 2021 Award Recipients and Fellows. There is a recording available for this meeting.
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