P31. Exploring the Integration and Functionality of an eHealth Intervention to Improve College Students’ Sexual and Reproductive Health Literacy
Evidence suggests that eHealth interventions may facilitate sexual/reproductive health literacy (SRHL) among college students (e.g., access/quality of health information/services). Guided by an integrative theoretical framework, in-depth interviews among college students (n=20) explored the integration and functionality of an eHealth intervention to improve SRHL. Participants believed the eHealth intervention (1) could be used prior-during-post clinical visit, (2) should be anonymous/confidential, easy to navigate, and display infographics, and (3) could facilitate SRHL, patient activation patient-provider communication.
Poster Category: Research
Presenter(s): Rumour Piepenbrink, MPH, CPH, Sharonda Lovett, CHES, Helen Mahony, PhD, MPH; Morgan Richardson Cayama, MPH, Joseph Puccio, MD, Julie Tomback, MD, Cheryl Vamos, PhD, MPH (University of South Florida); Rachel Logan, PhD, MPH (The Equity Experience, LLC); Stacey Griner, PHD, MPH, CPH, RDH (University of North Texas Health Science Center)